Video Marketing is no longer a niche marketing activity for businesses – online video has gone mainstream in a big way.
At Brand-MD, we recognize that not all brand impressions are equal; we firmly believe video impressions can count for more than words and images alone.
Video Marketing transcends devices – desktop, tablet, mobile….
When Brand-MD is hired to create video assets for our clients, we try to identify the tactical uses, the shelf-life and the intended target of the effort. As we identify video needs, we try to categorize the videos and their intended uses in three broad categories.
Showcase Videos
These longer-form “brochure” videos help to tell the story of your brand. They have the highest production values and the longest shelf life. We often segment these longer pieces into shorter format for optimal on-line viewing.
Work-Horse Videos
Think customer testimonials, FAQ’s, product training or demonstrating a best-practice; these focus on single aspects of a larger picture. Great for Social Sharing and as an imbedded feature in out-bound email marketing, they are helpful and educating. Make them a permanent asset on your website!
Promotional or Social Videos
These are tactical with finite shelf life. Designed for posting to social media, they are great for promoting events or limited time offers. They are meant for quick and easy social sharing and for dissemination among fans and followers.